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Contract Reversal(Move-In Reversal )

Contract Reversal 

Move-In Reversal 
You use this function to reverse the allocation of a contract to an installation performed during a move-in. You require this function in the following cases:
  • The move-in was mistakenly created with an incorrect business partner.
  • The move-in was mistakenly created with the installations of an incorrect premise.
  • The business partner subsequently announces that he/she is not taking over part of the installations of a premise. In this case, you reverse part of the move-in and recreate it using the relevant part of the installations.
A move-out and subsequent move-in for the installations of a premise often have to be reversed in one function call. In this case, the move-in must be reversed first and subsequently the move-out can be reversed.
The period starting with the move-in date is not permitted to have already been billed for any of the installations. If the contract for which you intend to reverse the allocation to an installation has any accounts receivable and payable documents then you must reverse them before you can proceed. For more information, see
Move-In/Out Processing.
Exceptions include statistical budget billing requests, or requests for cash security deposits created during the move-in, as well as move-in charges. These are dealt with automatically during move-in reversal.
In move-in reversal, contracts whose allocation to an installation is to be canceled are indicated with a deletion. The flag shows that they cannot be included in joint invoicing with other contracts.
Meter reading orders and meter reading results that were created during move-in are automatically deleted. This is the same as for budget billing plans not posted as debit and for which no payments were made. Security deposit requests created during move-in are automatically reversed, provided they have not yet been paid. The system also determines the move-in charge documents that belong to the move-in document and reverses them automatically.
Changes levied on the business partner, contract account, and contract data during move-in are not automatically reversed in the move-in reversal. However, the system resets the standard address of the move-in customer to how it was before the move-in , provided the following conditions have been met:
  • The SA (Standard address of move-in customer adjusted) is selected in Customizing under Define Control Parameters for Move-In on Document Level.
  • The move-in customer already had a standard address before the move-in was entered in the system.
  • The standard address of the move-in customer had not been changed since the move-in was entered on document level, meaning the standard address is the same as the address of the premise of the initial installation in the move-in document, and no changes to the business partner or contract account are planned.


You can terminate a contract on the contract start date as illustrated below:
This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


In CRM, SAP already provides the most important settings for cancellation. You can find the corresponding activities in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management under Transactions ® Settings for Contracts ® Cancellation.
The following settings should already be in the system:
      ISUC cancelling party (IS-U contract cancellation)
      ISUC cancellation reason (move-in reversal)
      Cancellation rule 0008 - cancellation before contract start date
      ISUC cancellation procedure - IS-U cancellation on contract start date
The Customizing of the date profile integrates the Cancellation tab strip in the item category. In Customizing for the CRM system, you make these settings under Customer Relationship Management ® Basic Functions ® Date Management ® Define Date Profile and Assign Date Profile to Item Category.
You find the 'ISU_001’ date profile in the standard system. The following entries should exist in the date profile for the date types:
      Date type CANCDATE (cancellation date)
      Date type CANCRECEIVE (date of cancellation receipt)
      Date type CANCREQUEST (cancellation request)
The cancellation is started in Contract Management and controlled by the process framework. In the deregulation scenario, a message is created. In a regulated environment, you can enter the cancellation data directly.

TXN : EC55e: 

Check these user exits for move-in and move out process.

EBIA0009 IS-U: adjustment for move-in/out: to the day/month-base
EC500001 IS-U: move-in: determ. of security deposit amount and r
EC500002 IS-U: move-in: data environment check upon entry
ECSBTI01 IS-U: move-in: determination of application form
ECSBTI02 IS-U: move-in: determination of budget billing amount
ECSBTI03 IS-U move-in: customer-defined checks
ECSBTI04 IS-U: move-in: determination of transfer contract
ECSBTIO1 Default value for field for move-in/out (EC60)
EMDBP003 Customer subscreen in business partner subscreen move-in/out
ECSBTO01--IS-U: move-out: determine default values
ECSBTO02--IS-U Move-Out: User-Defined Checks
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