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DTL : Blockchain DAG and Tempo

Distributed Ledger Technology is an umbrella term used to describe technologies which distribute records or information (the kind you might find on accounting ledgers) among all those using it, either privately or publicly. 

Blockchain was the first fully functional Distributed Ledger Technology and the only one people knew about for close to a decade. This likely led to people coming to the conclusion that it was and would forever be, the only form of DLT, therefore making it acceptable to use the two interchangeably.
DAG (Directed Acyclic graph)works differently than the blockchain. Whereas the blockchain require Proof of Work from miners on each transaction the DAG gets around this by getting rid of the bblock entirely. Instead, DAG transactions are linked from one to another, meaning one transaction confirms the next and so on. These links are where the term DAG comes from, just like blocks getting hashed are where the blockchain receives its name.

Radix Tempo The Tempo Ledger consists of three fundamental components: • A networked cluster of nodes • A global ledger database distributed across the nodes • An algorithm for generating a cryptographically secure record of temporally ordered events. An instance of Tempo is called a Universe and any event within a Universe, such as a message or transaction, is represented by an object called an Atom.  

Please continue reading about the DLT in our other blogs . 
Consensus Mechanisms : https://sapcrmtutorial.blogspot.com/2018/10/blockchain-consensus-mechanisms.html
How BitCoin works
Blockchain and IOT : https://sapcrmtutorial.blogspot.com/2018/10/internt-of-things-and-blockchain.html
How POW work? : 
BlockChain Terms : https://sapcrmtutorial.blogspot.com/2018/10/blockchain-terminology.html

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