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Move-Out Reversal

Move-Out Reversal 
You use this function to reverse the termination of a contract during move-out. In doing this, the move-out date is set back in the contract. You require this function in the following instances:
  • The move-out was mistakenly created with the wrong business partner or with the wrong contract.
  • A changed move-out date subsequently becomes known. In this case, the move-out must be recreated using the changed move-out date after the move-out reversal is performed.
  • The move-out only relates to some of the contracts of the business partner. In this case, the move-out must be recreated for the contracts that are actually concerned after the move-out reversal is performed.
A move-out and subsequent move-in for the installations of a premise often have to be reversed in one function call. In this case, the move-in must be reversed first and subsequently the move-out can be reversed.
None of the contracts may be billed for the period beginning with the move-out date. The final billing triggered by the move-out must be reversed before the move-out can be reversed.
Changes that were automatically made to the contract data during creation of the move-out are reversed during move-out reversal.
If a budget billing plan was terminated during creation of a move-out, it is automatically activated during move-out reversal.
Meter reading orders and meter reading results that were created in the move-out are automatically deleted.

Changes that were made during move-out to the business partner and contract account data are not automatically reversed during the move-out reversal.
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