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Sybase Mobile Sales 2.0 requirements

Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM requirements

In order to implement Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM, you will need the following components in your landscape:
  • SAP CRM 2007 SP6+
  • SAP Netweaver Mobile 7.1 SP9+
    • Gateway 1.1 SP1+
  • Sybase Unwired Platform
  • Sybase Relay Server

Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM is currently (20-04-2011) available for iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile.
After first setup, data is extracted from SAP CRM to the staging area in SAP Netweaver Mobile. This staging area is called the Data Orchestration Engine (DOE). Basically, the DOE data structures are optimized for communication with application on the mobile devices.

Information request from the device
When the device asks for information (i.e. when a new device is subscribed), a call is done to the DOE. The DOE then retrieves the data from the staging area (so no calls to SAP CRM). The retrieval is done based on the distribution rules as set up in the DOE. In case of Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM, the logon-user determines the accountmanager, the relations of the accountmanager determine the accounts that will go to the device. The activities from these accounts will also flow to the device.
All information from SAP NW Mobile is sent to the Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP), and is queued there for further processing if the device is not online.

A change from the device
Changes on the device (for instance, changing the status of a opportunity, changing the telephone number of a contact person, is sent from the device to the SUP, from the SUP to SAP NW Mobile and from SAP NW Mobile to SAP CRM.
Because the systems log on using the usercredentials as specified on the app on the device, the system checks the authorization of the user, and then makes the change,

A change in the CRM system
All changes to businesspartners, relations and documents, trigger a process to send the changed data to the DOE. This is done using mBdoc’s. This also includes changes from the device.
When a change is processed in SAP NW Mobile, a process checks which devices are ‘interested’ in the changed data (for instance, which devices should be notified of the changed phone numbers of this contact person).
The change is now queued in the device queue in SUP.

Function of the SUP
The SUP is used for secure communication between SAP and the mobile device. SUP uses, among others, technology from Sybase iAnywhere, Sybase MobileOffice and Sybase Afaria.
The SUP takes care of device management (which devices are allowed to log on, which devices should get which data) as well as queueing if the device is offline.

Function of the Sybase Relay Server
The relay server is located on a webserver in the networks’ DMZ, and is responsible for allowing only authorized connections to the SUP.
Depending on the connecting device, the network traffic is SSL or message encrypted.

Sybase Mobile Sales 2.0 requirements

The new CRM Mobile Sales 2.0 application looks really nice, and seems to be spot-on for the CRM functions you would like on a mobile device.

As easy as it might look though, implementing the application involves more than just downloading it from the appstore. Just like for the previous versions of the mobile sales app, you will need additional servers to handle the flow from your backend systems to the mobile devices.

The upside of the implementation of the new servers is that, once you have implemented them, you can use them for all different mobile scenarios you might have.
So, what do we need for SAP Mobile Sales 2.0?

Your SAP CRM system needs to be on the following SP level:
  • SAP CRM 2007 SP06 
  • SAP CRM 7.0 SP05 
  • SAP CRM 7.0 EHP1 SP03
Additionally, you will need to install the MOB_CRMS add-on. You can find more information on installing add-ons in SAP Notes 163364716400761646514 

SAP NW Mobile
Your SAP NW Mobile 7.1 system needs to be on SP level 13
Your Gateway to SAP NW Mobile as installed on the NW Mobile stack needs to be on SP level 07 
Unfortunately, Netweaver Mobile 7.1 EhP1 and Netweaver Mobile 7.3 are not supported

Sybase Unwired Platform
SUP needs to be on version 2.1
SAP DOE Connector as installed on the SUP needs to be on version 2.1

Supported Devices
  • iPhone iOS 4.3.X, iOS5 
  • iPad, iOS 4.3.X, iOS5 
  • BlackBerry, OS 6.0 and 7.0 both Touch and non-Touch 
  • Win32 Laptop/Desktop 
  • Windows7 Tablet (Touch) 
  • Android 3.X Tablet (Honeycomb) (Needs SUP 2.1.1)
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