Alerts in the header of the IC Webclient
Alerts in the header of the IC Webclient
Call Center Agents can be supported by alerts that appear in the header of the interaction Center.
SAP has implemented some alerts standard available in the system. A nice one is the FICAALERTACCOUNTWITHMANYCONTACTS. This alert counts the number of interaction records in the last 30 days, and displays this. In combination with a check on the number of calls in the last 30 days in the rule policy, this can be valuable. You can for instance implement that when the customer has more then 5 interaction records in the last month, the alert will pop up.
The Alerts can be triggered using the Intent Driven Interaction Rule policy as described here.
If you want to implement your own alert, you can do so by logging on to the CRM system using the IC_MANAGER business role and selecting Process Modeling --> Alerts. Here you can find all SAP standard Alerts and create your own.
You will notice that you have a predefined set of dynamic attributes to your disposal.
If you want to add attributes to the list, this can be done in customizing en ABAP programming.
Customizing extra attributes cen be done in the IMG in:
Now add your (Z-) attribute.
Important when creating a new attribute is that you use a new 'fact gathering Service'. For instance ZFG_IC_BP to retrieve more Business Partner attributes.
Now in customizing, add the new Fact Gathering Service in
In this class, implement method IF_CRM_SMF_SERVICE~EXECUTE.
Add coding to retrieve information. For instance:
* Get current customer
* bp number
CLEAR lv_string.
lv_string = lo_bdc->get_entity_attribute_as_string( path =
iv_suppress_creation = abap_true ).
CALL METHOD me->set_fb_attr_by_id
id = 'BP_NUMBER'
value = lv_string.
CATCH cx_root.
Now last but not least, add your own fact gathering service to the service manager profile you have created (or create one and assign it to the business role) in customizing:
Add your own Service in the list. Make sure it is not in the end, as you want to gather the facts BEFORE calling alerts.
You will now be able to add the newly created attributes both to Alerts as well as to conditions in the IDI maintenance in the IC Manager Role.
As the fact gathering services will be called frequently when in use, stick to efficient BOL programming in fact gathering services as much as possible.
You will notice that you have a predefined set of dynamic attributes to your disposal.
If you want to add attributes to the list, this can be done in customizing en ABAP programming.
Customizing extra attributes cen be done in the IMG in:
- Customer Relationship Management
- E-mail Response Management System
- Define Repository
Now add your (Z-) attribute.
Important when creating a new attribute is that you use a new 'fact gathering Service'. For instance ZFG_IC_BP to retrieve more Business Partner attributes.
Now in customizing, add the new Fact Gathering Service in
- Customer Relationship Management
- E-mail Response Management System
- Service Manager
- Define Services
In this class, implement method IF_CRM_SMF_SERVICE~EXECUTE.
Add coding to retrieve information. For instance:
* Get current customer
* bp number
CLEAR lv_string.
lv_string = lo_bdc->get_entity_attribute_as_string( path =
iv_suppress_creation = abap_true ).
CALL METHOD me->set_fb_attr_by_id
id = 'BP_NUMBER'
value = lv_string.
CATCH cx_root.
Now last but not least, add your own fact gathering service to the service manager profile you have created (or create one and assign it to the business role) in customizing:
- Customer Relationship Management
- E-mail Response Management System
- Service Manager
- Define Service Manager Profiles
As the fact gathering services will be called frequently when in use, stick to efficient BOL programming in fact gathering services as much as possible.
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