What is S/4 HANA Simplification check ?
Simplification Item Check
At the time of S/4 HANA conversion simplification check plays an important role to reduce the errors and help in a smooth conversion .
When you worked for SAP S/4HANA 1511 or 1610 project, you must know the pre transition check (R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS from SAP Note 2182725). Now with SAP S/4HANA 1709, a new framework is available, we call it Simplification Item Check
In case you would like to check on the relevance of simplification items only, or check on the system consistency before conversion, SAP has introduced a Simplification Item Check (SI-Check) with SAP S/4HANA 1709.
- it is completely new re-designed based on the content in the Simplification Item Catalog
- it has two checks:
- relevancy check: as described above in the simplification item catalog, the calculation is based on source release, target release and relevance check section
- consistency check: by executing to get what customer needs to do before the conversion to bring the system in a consistent state
- it has the check framework and set of consistency check classes
- it can be executed standalone for both the relevancy and consistency check. In addition, it can also be executed by SAP Readiness Check and Software Update Manager (SUM)
- the result of the section Simplification Items in SAP Readiness Check comes from the relevancy check for SAP S/4HANA 1511, 1610, 1709 and higher release in the future
- the SUM executes both the relevancy and consistency check starting from SAP S/4HANA 1709. For old release SAP S/4HANA 1511 and 1610, the report R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS is still used.
How to access
When all prerequisite notes have been implemented successfully in the SAP ERP system, it can be started with the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK
- The report can be executed in dialog mode or in a background job (under certain system conditions the check can take hours)
- It can also display the last check results
- It can also display all executed check results with log view
- By default it uses the SAPOSS connection to connect to the SAP support portal to fetch the latest simplification item content from the simplification item catalog,
- In addition, it provides the option to upload the content manually as well for the system does not have the connection to SAP support portal due to security reason. The selected radio button indicates which option is used.
- download the content as zip file from Simplification Item Catalog
- use the button “Upload Simplification Item Catalog”
Is the readiness check sufficient ??
The Readiness Check (RC) triggers the Simplification Item Check (SIC) – Relevant Check, so in the early planning phase, it is sufficient. But there is a detail check – Consistency Check integrated into SIC. The check is also required to perform before system conversion. So after planning phase, do another SIC check including Consistency Check with the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK in your ERP system.
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