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Milestone Billing

Milestone Billing plans are generally used in Sales contracts. Billing is triggered when pre-defined milestones are reached. An example where this would be used is a Building project where payment is to be made on reaching certain milestones e.g after foundations are laid, at roof level etc. Dates in the milestone can be added manually but the billing plan can also determine dates.
The Net value of the higher level item is distributed over a number of dates as you can see below. This can be calculated by multiplying the percentage by the item net value. For this reason milestone item categories that are used in the Billing Request Items(BRIs) should not be pricing relevant.

Currently there is no functionality for header billing plans with Milestone Billing plan. Header billing plans are useful to change many item billing plans in one step instead of
changing each item billing plan one by one. If you change e.g. the periodicity from monthly to quarterly on header billing plan level, all item billing plans that are linked to
the header billing plan will be changed too. With Milestone billing plans, generally the BRIs are different, unlike periodic billing plans so this is not relevant.
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