Extend BOL Model BT with custom table type relationship
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SAP CRM 6.0/7.0
Extend the standard BOL model BT with a custom relationship to accomodate your z-table.
There's been a few discussions in the forums about finding a way to add a custom table to the standard BOL models. It's a bit tricky, but possible. In this WIKI, I will show you how to enhance the BOl model BT with a new 1..n relationship. The advantages are obvious. Any change in your custom data will register in the BOl layer, you will be able to capture the BOl Core Reset and Order Init(revert) events, use the BOL model node wizards etc., Enhancing a few standard classes are in order. So, knowing how to enhance the methods using the implicit enhancement points is necessary.
In this example, we will create the relationship under the administration header(BTAdminH). Actually, two relationships. One will be a read only relationship(similiar to BTItems) that is linked and the other will be the 1..n relation that corresponds to your database.
My custom database ZORD has the following fields.
CLIENT type MANDT "Client
GUID type CRMT_OBJECT_GUID "guid of table entry(key) REF_GUID type CRMT_OBJECT_GUID "guid of order object EXTERN_CASE_NO type CRMT_OBJECT_ID "end-user usable NOTE type CHAR120 "end-user usable
A structure 'ZORD_STRUCT' that corresponds to the table structure and a table type 'ZORD_STRUCT_TAB' is available.
Step 1 : Studying the event handler modelMaintain API Object Name
In transaction CRMC_OBJECTS, maintain the API object name of our custom object. In our case, the name is ZORD. This information will be used further below. This will allow us to define our own transaction events.
Maintain Object dependency
This step is to ensure that the transaction events which we will be defining later on, will be called only when necessary. This step is optional and you should be able to figure out if your scenario needs this or not. For example, if you are extending only the opportunity transaction type, declare ZORD as a sub-object of Opportunity(BUS2000111). Maintain this information in view maintenance CRMV_OBJECT_ASSI
Identify positions for defining custom events for transactions
We will have to define three basic events in the transaction event model that will take care of our custom objects. These are
1. Initialization -> When the order is being initialized say, during lock/revert scenarios, we want our object to be initialized too.
2. Save -> When the order is being saved, save our data too.
3. Delete -> When the order is deleted, we need to delete corresponding data from our custom table
For this, you must identify the correct places to insert our event callback function modules. If not already done, set your user parameterCRM_EVENT_TRACE to "X". Next, do something say, create transactions, modify it, save it and delete it. After each action, look at the events raised in transaction CRMD_EVENT_TRACE. Study this data carefully and decide on the points in which to insert your event callback function modules. For creating the FMs(the signature part), look at the standard FMs (they end with *_EC) defined for the same event in the trace data. Create empty FMs for each of the three events mentioned and study the trace again. We will be calling our custom API class' methods inside these FMs. We will cover this later. For now, create entries in the transaction event handler table and ensure that the FMs are getting called in the correct places for various scenarios.
For example, if I'm extending the Opportunity model, I will create these entries - In SPRO, go to CRM->Transactions->Basic Settings->Edit event handler table
1. Initialization
Choosing transaction category is opportunity will ensure that this FM will be called only for Opportunities
Transaction Category BUS2000111 (Opportunity)
Execution Time 88 (Initialize Document) Priority 99 Object ZORD (Z Order Extension) Event INIT Attribute <*> Function ZORD_INIT_EC Perform Function for Document Header X Perform Function for Document Item blank Do Not Process Function if Event Error Occurs blank Call Callback Call Just Once Per Transaction
2. Save
Unlike above, we cannot choose transaction category as Opportunity here! This is because an opportunity save event will be raised only when you make changes in the opportunity relevant fields(eg OPPORT_H), even though you are editing an opportunity. For the below FM to trigger, we will have to "remind" the system to do it when changes are made to our custom objects. So, you will not see this FM in the event trace right now till the coding part is complete. We will cover this further down(Look further down at the last part of the coding part for the method implementation for METHOD ZORD_RUN_BTIL->if_crm_runtime_btil~maintain_attributes).
Transaction Category BUS20001 (CRM Bus Transactions)
Execution Time 80 (Save Document) Priority 99 Object ZORD (Z Order Extension) Event SAVE Attribute <*> Function ZORD_SAVE_EC Perform Function for Document Header X Perform Function for Document Item blank Do Not Process Function if Event Error Occurs blank Call Callback Call Just Once Per Transaction
3. Delete
For deletion also, only generic order delete event can be chosen. Inside this Fm, you should make sure that the scenario is right. For example, make sure that the order being deleted is an opportunity before making API calls! We will cover this below.
Transaction Category BUS20001 (CRM Bus Transactions)
Execution Time 1 (Immediately) Priority 90 Object ORDER (General order processing) Event AFTER_DELETE Attribute <*> Function ZORD_DEL_EC Perform Function for Document Header X Perform Function for Document Item blank Do Not Process Function if Event Error Occurs blank Call Callback Call Just Once Per Transaction Step 2 : Customizing - Extend Model BTFirst, we have some customizing work to do. Navigate to the node shown in the picture.Note that the node text may show up as 'Business Transactions' in your case. Or you may go to SM30 and put 'CRMC_OBJ_BTIL' and choose customizing. You must do each of the three activities shown. Maintain Z-objects
Maintain Z-Relations
Maintain handler classes for Z-objects
If you are not willing to implement the classes, you may skip maintaining the handler classes. You can even directly specify a single 1..n relationship directly under BTAdminH. The relationships will be available, but not usable in the real sense. Then, you can follow this wiki to make do with value nodes. http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/CRM/How+to+display+a+z-table+in+an+assignment+block
Moving forward, here's a screenshot of the model with the new relationships expanded.
Step 3: Implementing Handler classesAPI Class for our custom Object
We will begin with the API class which will be responsible for all operations related to our table.
ZL_ZORD_BTIL_API -> Super class: None
Class Attributes
GT_ZORD Static Attribute Private Type ZORD_STRUCT_TAB API Buffer GT_ZORD_DEL Static Attribute Private Type ZORD_STRUCT_TAB API Buffer for deleted entities
Note: The GT_ZORD table will act as a unified buffer for read and change. GT_ZORD_DEL will hold entries to be deleted on save. Due to this unified buffer nature, it is very important to refresh this table on Order INIT events.
ZORD_CREATE Static Method Public Create
ZORD_MODIFY Static Method Public Modify API data ZORD_DELETE Static Method Public Delete from API data ZORD_SAVE Static Method Public Save to DB ZORD_READ Static Method Public Initial relations reading
ZORD_READ_SINGLE Static Method Public Read single entry
ZORD_INIT Static Method Public Reset buffers
ZORD_DELETE_WITH_ORDER Static Method Public Delete from DB when order is deleted Method Signatures:
*"* public components of class ZL_ZORD_BTIL_API
*"* do not include other source files here!!! public section.
class-methods ZORD_CREATE
importing !IV_HEADER_GUID type CRMT_OBJECT_GUID optional . Method ImplementationsMETHOD zord_create. DATA: ls_zord TYPE zord_struct. ls_zord = is_attributes. ls_zord-guid = is_key. INSERT ls_zord INTO TABLE gt_zord. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_modify. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zord> LIKE LINE OF gt_zord, <old> TYPE simple, <new> TYPE simple, <name> TYPE name_komp. READ TABLE gt_zord WITH KEY guid = is_key ASSIGNING <fs_zord>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. LOOP AT it_changed_fields ASSIGNING <name>. ASSIGN COMPONENT <name> OF STRUCTURE <fs_zord> TO <old>. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT <name> OF STRUCTURE is_attributes TO <new>. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. <old> = <new>. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_delete. DATA: ls_zord LIKE LINE OF gt_zord. READ TABLE gt_zord WITH KEY guid = is_key INTO ls_zord. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. INSERT ls_zord INTO TABLE gt_zord_del. DELETE gt_zord WHERE guid = is_key. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_save. DATA: lt_zord TYPE zord_struct_tab, ls_zord LIKE LINE OF lt_zord. LOOP AT gt_zord INTO ls_zord WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. INSERT ls_zord INTO TABLE lt_zord. ENDLOOP. IF lt_zord[] IS NOT INITIAL. MODIFY zord FROM TABLE lt_zord. ENDIF. REFRESH lt_zord. LOOP AT gt_zord_del INTO ls_zord WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. INSERT ls_zord INTO TABLE lt_zord. ENDLOOP. IF lt_zord[] IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE zord FROM TABLE lt_zord. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_read. DATA: lt_zord TYPE zord_struct_tab, ls_zord LIKE LINE OF lt_zord. *Check buffer first *If entries are found in buffer, no need to check DB as whole buffer is used. *no special provisions for deleted items READ TABLE gt_zord WITH KEY ref_guid = iv_header_guid TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. et_zord[] = gt_zord[]. DELETE et_zord WHERE ref_guid NE iv_header_guid. ELSE. READ TABLE gt_zord_del WITH KEY ref_guid = iv_header_guid TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. *deleted entries exist in buffer!! => Table has already been buffered => No DB Read EXIT. ELSE. REFRESH et_zord. SELECT * FROM zord INTO TABLE et_zord WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. INSERT LINES OF et_zord INTO TABLE gt_zord. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_read_single. DATA: lt_zord TYPE zord_struct_tab, ls_zord LIKE LINE OF lt_zord. *Check buffer first *If entries are found in buffer, no need to check DB as whole buffer is used. *no special provisions for deleted items READ TABLE gt_zord WITH KEY guid = iv_guid INTO ls_zord. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. INSERT ls_zord INTO table et_zord. ELSE. SELECT * FROM zord INTO TABLE et_zord WHERE guid = iv_guid. INSERT LINES OF et_zord INTO TABLE gt_zord. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zord_init. DATA: lt_zord TYPE zord_struct_tab, ls_zord LIKE LINE OF lt_zord. IF iv_header_guid IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE gt_zord WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. DELETE gt_zord_del WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. ELSE. REFRESH gt_zord. REFRESH gt_zord_del. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD ZORD_DELETE_WITH_ORDER. DELETE FROM zord WHERE ref_guid = iv_header_guid. ENDMETHOD. Handler classes for our objects
The names of the classes will be derived at runtime following some conventions. Essentially a _RUN_BTIL and a _DESIGN_BTIL is appended to what you have specified in customizing. So, go ahead and create the classes.
For the design classes, no further changes are required. You may want to redefine the constructor if you wish to validate the
object name.
ZORD_RUN_BTIL -> Super class: CL_CRM_RUNTIME_BTIL ZORD_SET_RUN_BTIL - Redefined MethodsMETHOD if_crm_runtime_btil~read_attributes. DATA: ls_guid TYPE crmst_guid_btil. *This is a static read-only relation. *Inherit GUID from order TRY. ir_cont_obj->set_key( iv_ref_guid ). CATCH cx_crm_cic_duplicate_entry. ENDTRY. IF ir_cont_obj->check_attr_requested( ) EQ true. ls_guid-crm_guid = iv_ref_guid. me->set_attributes( ir_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj is_attributes = ls_guid iv_ref_kind = iv_ref_kind iv_log_key = iv_ref_guid ). ENDIF. *Read underlying relations IF ir_cont_obj->check_rels_requested( ) EQ true. me->access_children( ir_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj ir_data = ir_api_data iv_ref_guid = iv_ref_guid iv_ref_kind = iv_ref_kind ). ENDIF. * ENDMETHOD. METHOD IF_CRM_RUNTIME_BTIL~MAINTAIN_ATTRIBUTES. DATA: lv_delta TYPE crmt_delta. *** *This is a read-only relation, nothing much to do here except inherit GUID from Order object lv_delta = ir_cont_obj->get_delta_flag( ). IF lv_delta EQ ir_cont_obj->delta_created. TRY. ir_cont_obj->set_key( iv_ref_guid ). CATCH cx_crm_cic_duplicate_entry. ENDTRY. ENDIF. *Take care of underlying relations me->modify_children( ir_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj ir_data = ir_api_data ir_input_fields = ir_input_fields iv_ref_kind = iv_ref_kind iv_ref_guid = iv_ref_guid ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD MODIFY_CHILDREN . *Do not redefine this method! Super class will take care of this ENDMETHOD. ZORD_RUN_BTIL - Redefined methodsMETHOD fieldcheck. *redefined to prevent system looking for unimplemented FM *empty, create your own implementation endmethod. METHOD if_crm_runtime_btil~read_attributes. DATA: lr_root_container TYPE REF TO if_genil_container_object, lv_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid, lv_first TYPE crmt_boolean VALUE true, lv_relation TYPE crmt_relation_name. DATA: lr_zord_i TYPE REF TO zord_struct_tab, lt_zord_i TYPE zord_struct_tab, lr_attr_props TYPE REF TO if_genil_obj_attr_properties, lr_cont_obj TYPE REF TO if_genil_container_object. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_zord_i> TYPE zord_struct, <ls_api_data> TYPE crmt_intlay_get, <lt_api_data> TYPE crmt_intlay_get_tab. *** CALL METHOD zl_zord_btil_api=>zord_read EXPORTING iv_header_guid = iv_ref_guid "Order GUID IMPORTING et_zord = lt_zord_i. CALL METHOD ir_cont_obj->get_parent_relation IMPORTING ev_relation_name = lv_relation. LOOP AT lt_zord_i ASSIGNING <ls_zord_i>. TRY. IF lv_first EQ true. lv_first = false. lr_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj. lr_cont_obj->set_key( <ls_zord_i>-guid ). ELSE. lr_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj->copy_self_with_structure( is_object_key = <ls_zord_i>-guid iv_relation_name = lv_relation ). CHECK lr_cont_obj IS BOUND. ENDIF. CATCH cx_crm_cic_duplicate_entry. TRY. lr_cont_obj = me->turn_path( ir_cont_obj = ir_cont_obj iv_relation_name = lv_relation is_key = <ls_zord_i>-guid ). CATCH cx_crm_genil_general_error. CONTINUE. ENDTRY. CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error. CONTINUE. ENDTRY. IF lr_cont_obj->check_attr_requested( ) EQ true. me->set_attributes( ir_cont_obj = lr_cont_obj is_attributes = <ls_zord_i> iv_ref_kind = iv_ref_kind iv_log_key = <ls_zord_i>-guid ). lr_attr_props = lr_cont_obj->get_attr_props_obj( ). lr_attr_props->set_all_properties( if_genil_obj_attr_properties=>changeable ). lr_attr_props->set_property_by_idx( iv_index = 1 iv_value = if_genil_obj_attr_properties=>read_only ). "Client lr_attr_props->set_property_by_idx( iv_index = 2 iv_value = if_genil_obj_attr_properties=>technical ). "GUID lr_attr_props->set_property_by_idx( iv_index = 3 iv_value = if_genil_obj_attr_properties=>technical ). "REF_GUID ENDIF. IF lr_cont_obj->check_rels_requested( ) EQ true. me->get_foreign_id( ir_cont_obj = lr_cont_obj is_data = <ls_zord_i> ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. * METHOD if_crm_runtime_btil~maintain_attributes. INCLUDE crm_mode_con. DATA: lv_delta TYPE crmt_delta. DATA: ls_changed_object TYPE crmt_genil_obj_instance. DATA: lt_names TYPE crmt_attr_name_tab. DATA: lr_attr_props TYPE REF TO if_genil_obj_attr_properties. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_api_data> TYPE crmst_order_maintain, <lv_name> TYPE name_komp. *** DATA: lv_props_obj TYPE REF TO if_genil_obj_attr_properties, lt_changed_attr TYPE crmt_attr_name_tab, ls_attributes TYPE zord_struct, lv_guid TYPE crmt_object_guid, * lt_return TYPE bapiret2_t, * lv_msg_cont TYPE REF TO cl_crm_genil_bapi_mess_cont, ls_obj_inst TYPE crmt_genil_obj_instance, lv_header TYPE REF TO if_genil_container_object, lv_header_guid TYPE crmt_genil_object_guid, ls_header_attr TYPE crmst_guid_btil. CHECK ir_cont_obj->get_name( ) = 'ZORD'. ls_obj_inst-object_name = 'ZORD'. "#EC NOTEXT * retrieve the GUID of the header lv_header = ir_cont_obj->get_parent( ). CALL METHOD lv_header->get_key IMPORTING es_key = lv_header_guid. CALL METHOD lv_header->get_attributes IMPORTING es_attributes = ls_header_attr. * retrieve the delta flag lv_delta = ir_cont_obj->get_delta_flag( ). * branch according to the delta flag. Dependent objects may be created, modified, or deleted. CASE lv_delta. WHEN if_genil_cont_simple_object=>delta_changed. * retrieve the attribute property object to get the modify details lv_props_obj = ir_cont_obj->get_attr_props_obj( ). * which attributes were modified? CALL METHOD lv_props_obj->get_name_tab_4_property EXPORTING iv_property = if_genil_obj_attr_properties=>modified IMPORTING et_names = lt_changed_attr. CALL METHOD ir_cont_obj->get_key IMPORTING es_key = lv_guid. CALL METHOD ir_cont_obj->get_attributes IMPORTING es_attributes = ls_attributes. * call the API CALL METHOD zl_zord_btil_api=>zord_modify EXPORTING is_key = lv_guid iv_header_guid = lv_header_guid is_attributes = ls_attributes it_changed_fields = lt_changed_attr. * IMPORTING * et_return = lt_return * et_changed_objects = lt_changed_objects. ls_obj_inst-object_id = cl_crm_genil_container_tools=>build_object_id( lv_guid ). * add object to the changed objects list INSERT ls_obj_inst INTO TABLE gr_intlay->gt_changed_objects. WHEN if_genil_cont_simple_object=>delta_created. * get the attribute structure CALL METHOD ir_cont_obj->get_attributes IMPORTING es_attributes = ls_attributes. ** build the key * CALL FUNCTION 'GUID_CREATE' * IMPORTING * ev_guid_16 = lv_guid. ir_cont_obj->get_key( IMPORTING es_key = lv_guid ). ls_attributes-ref_guid = lv_header_guid. * call the API CALL METHOD zl_zord_btil_api=>zord_create EXPORTING is_key = lv_guid is_attributes = ls_attributes. * IMPORTING * et_return = lt_return. ls_attributes-guid = lv_guid. ir_cont_obj->set_attributes( ls_attributes ). * set new key TRY. ir_cont_obj->set_key( lv_guid ). CATCH cx_crm_genil_duplicate_key. ENDTRY. ls_obj_inst-object_id = cl_crm_genil_container_tools=>build_object_id( lv_guid ). INSERT ls_obj_inst INTO TABLE gr_intlay->gt_changed_objects. WHEN if_genil_cont_simple_object=>delta_deleted. * get object key CALL METHOD ir_cont_obj->get_key IMPORTING es_key = lv_guid. * call the API CALL METHOD zl_zord_btil_api=>zord_delete EXPORTING is_key = lv_guid iv_header_guid = lv_header_guid. * IMPORTING * et_return = lt_return * et_changed_objects = lt_changed_objects. ls_obj_inst-object_id = cl_crm_genil_container_tools=>build_object_id( lv_guid ). INSERT ls_obj_inst INTO TABLE gr_intlay->gt_changed_objects. ENDCASE. *Tell the Order API that a change has happened *This will register our object for save (The FM we registered for SAVE event in event handler table) CALL FUNCTION 'CRM_EVENT_PUBLISH_OW' EXPORTING iv_obj_name = 'ZORD' iv_guid_hi = lv_header_guid iv_kind_hi = gc_object_kind-orderadm_h iv_event = gc_event-after_change. ENDMETHOD. Step 4 - Implement Event callback Function Modules
Remember the three event callback function modules that we registered in the transaction event handler table? Call the correct API methods inside each FM.
1. Initialization
FUNCTION zord_init_ec.
*"*"Local Interface:
IF iv_header_guid IS NOT INITIAL.
iv_header_guid = iv_header_guid.
2. Save
FUNCTION zord_save_ec.
*"*"Local Interface:
Data: lv_header_guid type crmt_object_guid.
loop at it_header_guid into lv_header_guid.
iv_header_guid = lv_header_guid.
3. Delete FUNCTION zord_del_ec. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(IV_OBJECT_NAME) TYPE CRMT_OBJECT_NAME *" REFERENCE(IV_EVENT_EXETIME) TYPE CRMT_EVENT_EXETIME *" REFERENCE(IV_EVENT) TYPE CRMT_EVENT *" REFERENCE(IV_HEADER_GUID) TYPE CRMT_OBJECT_GUID OPTIONAL *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Use FM "CRM_ORDERADM_H_READ_OB" with include_deleted_header option to ensure that object is relevant to us * - before calling API method IF iv_header_guid IS NOT INITIAL. *Delete from object buffer CALL METHOD ZL_ZORD_BTIL_API=>ZORD_INIT EXPORTING iv_header_guid = iv_header_guid. *Delete from database CALL METHOD ZL_ZORD_BTIL_API=>ZORD_DELETE_WITH_ORDER EXPORTING iv_header_guid = iv_header_guid. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION. Results:
Here are a few screens showing the results
Here's the table view after deleting line4 and save.
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