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How to use messages in CRM web UI

In general there are 4 different Sources for error messages:

  1. Important Info Message
  2. BSP Framework messages
  3. UI Framework messages
  4. BOL/Genil global message container
  5. BOL/Genil object realated message containers

The message level is considered first before the message types are considered. Message level is 1-9 corresponding to data element: BSP_WD_MESSAGE_LEVEL
9      Only Collect in Trace Mode
8      Administrator
6      Experienced User
3      Office-Based Sales Employee
1      Customer
0      None

The message level implies for which user group the messages are designed for.

In general the sorting sequence corresponds to the above sequence. Within each group the sorting corresponds to “Error” “Warning” “Info” so on the message type.

2      To No.1: How to create an important info message:Get access to UI Framework message service available in every controller class.

Data: lv_msg_service type ref to cl_bsp_wd_message_service.

Lv_msg_service = Me-> view_manager->get_message_service().

Create an important info message:
lv_msg_service->add_message(  IV_MSG_TYPE =…

The parameter iv_msg_type is ignored in this case.

3      To No 2: How to use BSP Framework messages:

This kind of message source is available in the context node via attribute errors which is an instance of CL_BSP_MESSAGES. The class provides several methods to add messages in different formats like T100, Exception Objects etc. Those messages get an severity according to the constants in this class and messages with severity 1 or 2 (fatal error or error) will automatically keep the user on the current page in order for him to correct the respective error first.
Messages can be assigned to fields of the context nodes which will lead to a highlighting of the corresponding fields on the UI (depending on the Tag Library).
All BSP Framework messages will automatically be deleted after the next round trip (the whole message object will be invalidated with the next roundtrip).
Errors in the automatic type conversion will also lead to BSP Framework messages (e.g. wrong format entries in a date field will automatically be display via this type of messages, no application coding is necessary here, as the framework does provide this J

4      To No.3: How to create an UI-Message:

Get access to UI Framework message service available in every controller class.

Data: lv_msg_service type ref to cl_bsp_wd_message_service.

Lv_msg_service = Me-> view_manager->get_message_service().

Create an important info message:
lv_msg_service->add_message(     IV_MSG_TYPE

This kind of messages is intended to be set on controller level. The optional parameter iv_verification can be used to register a call back method to verify the message on each round trip if it is still valid. If this is not given the message is only shown once, so it disappears after the next round trip.

BAPI-Messages: The functionality there corresponds to the above statements. This is only for those colleagues relevant who are calling BAPIs from their UIs.
The corresponding method is called:

5      To 4 and 5: BOL/Genil global message container and BOL/Genil object realated message containers:

This automatically will be provided by the BOL Implementation:

6      Message filtering:

There are two concepts for message filtering:
Messages can be filtered by message level. This is a user specific setting (User Parameter: CRM_USER_LEVEL).
In addition to this a programmed message filter is available.
Per default messages from all sources except 5 – special BO Messages – are shown.
In order to switch on messages of a single BO you have to implement method:
In the view controller which is loaded into the workarea.
Windows are bypassed automatically.
Of course this is only a valid option in that case the workarea contains “just” a single entity. In case the view in the workarea has not the knowledge which is the main entity of the view assembly it has to dispatch the method call to it’s sub-views (as in the bread crumb implementation).
Since this method is also of importance for the breadcrumb implementation it might be already implemented in your case.

If you need more control about the message filtering you can implement method:
In the view controller which is loaded into the workarea.
Windows are bypassed automatically.
Here you receive the current filter object of type CL_BSP_WD_MESSAGE_FILTER.
Now you are able to switch on/off the several message sources and/or add additional entities for which messages should be shown.

You might change the given filter or create a new one and you might also pass on the filter object to sub-views in order to aggregate the applied filter settings.

In any case the filter object has to be returned.

7      How to handle messages on user request:

Message types:
  • Navigatable messages
·         Non-navigatable messages

1.    Get the message service:
DATA: lr_service TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service.
lr_service = me->view_manager->get_message_service( ).

2.    For navigatable messages only:
2.1    Create a message handler class
This class must implement the interface IF_BSP_WD_MESSAGE_HANDLER and will be called when the message link is clicked.

2.2    Subscribe for a message
DATA: lr_handler TYPE REF TO zmsgcallback. “Handler class from 2.1

CREATE OBJECT lr_handler.

 lr_service->subscribe_message( iv_message_class  = 'CRM_IC_APPL_UI_BDC'
                                iv_message_number = '114'
                                iv_subscriber     = lr_handler
                                iv_activation     = abap_true ).

  CATCH cx_bsp_wd_dupl_mess_subscr.

3.    Example how to add a message:
lr_service->add_message( iv_msg_type   = 'E'
                         iv_msg_id     = 'CRM_IC_APPL_UI_BDC'
                         iv_msg_number = '114' ).

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