How to Avoid Deletion of Standard CRM UI component
- BSP components are missing.
- BSP components were deleted by accident and you want to restore them.
- BSP component enhancements were used
A BSP component was deleted by accident in transaction BSP_WD_CMPWB.
The deleted component can be restored from other system in your landscape using a transport request:
- Transaction SE80 in the source system, select the deleted BSP-Application with right mouse on BSP-Appl. Name
- In Context menu under 'Other Functions' select a 'Write to Transport Entry'. This will create a transport request that should be imported in the system where the BSP is missing
- Apply SAP Note 1459912 in order to avoid BSP components to be deleted in the future
Blog by Harshit Kumar
Novice consultants are in dilemma whether to click on "Yes" or "No" button when deleting UI enhancement from the Component Workbench. Once in a while under such situation they tend to delete the standard UI Component unknowingly and then come the famous question why SAP let the user delete the standard UI Component? ![](
Steps to Delete the Standard UI Component - Delete UI Component at your own risk though![](
Enhance a UI Component Eg: BT111H_OPPT
Provide Enhancement Set
Provide BSP Application name - Here comes the googly! Lot of fresh minds tends to provide the same name as that of the UI Component to this. This confuses the framework to an extent.
Delete the UI Enhancement - Go to Component workbench and get to this enhanced Component.
There will be an option of deleting UI Enhancement. Click and proceed. This will raise confirmation pop up asking for deletion of the BSP application. Click on "Yes" and that's it! You have just deleted the standard UI Component BT111H_OPPT. Congratulation!!! ![](
Now without the help of BASIS team you will not be able to get this Component back.
Your life has just taken a paradigm shift
. Well this situation could have been avoided. ![](
How to avoid this situation?
- While giving the BSP application Name during enhancement ensure that you Prefix Z or any other naming convention to the Standard Component.
- When deleting under such conditions do not proceed with the component workbench deletion, instead remove it from the View Cluster 'BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT'.
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