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SAP MM Tables and Transactions

SAP MM Tables for Purchasing

SAP MM TableDescription
EBANPurchase Requisition
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
EINAPurchasing Info Record- General Data
EINEPurchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
EIPAOrder price history record
EKABRelease Documentation
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document
EKBZPurchasing document history: delivery costs
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKOPurchasing Document Header
EKPBMaterial to be provided item in purchasing document
EKPOPurchasing Document Item
EKUBIndex for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORDPurchasing Source List
ESKNAccount assignment in service package
ESLHService package header data
ESLLLines in service package
ESSRService entry sheet header data
ESUCExternal services management: Unplanned limits for contract item
ESUHExternal services management: unplanned service limits header data
ESUPExternal services management: unplanned limits for service packages
ESUSExternal services management: Unplanned limits for service types

SAP MM Tables for Inventory Management

The main Inventory Management Tables for SAP MM are:
SAP MM TableDescription
IKPFHeader- Physical Inventory Document
ISEGPhysical Inventory Document Items

SAP MM Tables for Vendor Master Data

SAP MM TableDescription
LFA1Vendor General Data
LFASVAT registration numbers general section
LFB1Vendor + Company
LFB5Dunning data
LFBKBank details
LFC1Transaction figures
LFC3Special G/L transaction figures
LFM1Vendor master record purchasing organization data
LFM2Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data

SAP MM Tables fro Material Master

Material Master Data are stored in the following SAP MM tables
SAP MM TableDescription
MAKTMaterial Descriptions
MAPRMaterial Index for Forecast
MARAGeneral Material Data
MARCPlant Data for Material
MARDStorage Location Data for Material
MARMUnits of Measure for Material
MASTMaterial to BOM Link
MBEWMaterial Valuation
MCHBBatch Stocks
MDBSMaterial View of Order Item/Schedule Line (good to find open PO's)
MKOLSpecial Stocks from Vendor
MKPFHeader- Material Document
MLANTax Classification for Material
MLGNMaterial Data for Each Warehouse Number
MLGTMaterial Data for Each Storage Type
MOFFLists what views have not been created
MSEGDocument Segment- Material
MSKASales Order Stock
MVERMaterial Consumption
MVKESales Data for materials

SAP MM Tables for Invoice Verification

SAP MM TableDescription
MYMFTFIFO results table
MYMLLIFO material layer
MYMLMLIFO material layer (monthly)
MYMPLIFO period stocks & single material
MYMP1Receipt data LIFO/FIFO valuation
MYPLLIFO pool layer
MYPLMLIFO pool layer (monthly)
RBCODocument item incoming invoice account assignment
RBDIFFKOInvoice Verification: conditions
RBDIFFMEInvoice Verification: quantity differences
RBDRSEGInvoice Verification batch: invoice document items
RBKPDocument header: incoming invoice
RESBReservation/dependent requirements
RKPFDocument Header- Reservation

SAP MM Tcodes

Within the most important Transactions Code in SAP MM (Material Management), we can list
SAP MM TcodesDescription
AC02Service Master
MB01Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order
MB1AGoods Withdrawal
MB1BTransfer Posting
MB1CPost Other Goods Receipts
MB21Create Reservation
MB51Material Document List
MB52List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand
MB5TStock in Transit
MBSTCancel Material Document
ME01Maintain Source List
ME11Maintain Purchasing Info Record
ME21NCreate Purchase Order
ME22NChange Purchase Order
ME23NDisplay Purchase Order
ME29NRelease Purchase Order
ME31LCreate Scheduling Agreement
ME32LChange Scheduling Agreement
ME33LDisplay Scheduling Agreement
ME41Create RFQ/Quotation
ME42Change RFQ/Quotation
ME43Display RFQ/Quotation
ME51NCreate Purchase Requisition
ME52NChange Purchase Requisition
ME53NDisplay Purchase Requisition
ME59NAutomatic generation of Purchase Order
MEQ1Create Quota Arrangement
MEQ2Change Quota Arrangement
MEQ3Display Quota Arrangement
MIGOPost Goods Movement
MIR5Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6Invoice Overview
MIR7Park Invoice
MIRAFast Invoice Entry
MIROEnter Incoming Invoice
ML33Create Vendor Conditions
ML81NCreate Service Entry Sheet
MM01Create Material
MM02Change Material
MM03Display Material
MMB1Create Semi Finished Product
MMBEStock Overview
MMDEDelete All Materials
MMF1Create Finished Product
MMG1Create Returnable Packaging
MMH1Create Trading Goods
MMI1Create Operating Supplies
MMK1Create Configurable Material
MMN1Create Non-Stock Material
MMNRDefine Material Master Number Ranges
MR8MCancel Invoice Document
MRBRRelease Blocked Invoices
MRISSettle Invoicing Plan
MRRLEvaluated Receipt Settlement
OME4Create Purchasing Group
OMJJCustomizing: Define New Movement Types
OMR6Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification
OX01Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code
OX02Create Company Code
OX08Create Purchasing Organization
OX09Create Storage Location
OX10Create Plant
OX15Create Company
OX17Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant
OX18Assign Plant to Company Code
XK01Create Vendor
XK02Change Vendor
XK03Display Vendor
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