Transaction Search - Disable Authorization Buffer
If you have adjusted security on a user (removed/added transactions) and want that to reflect in the transaction search you need to do the following steps:
Add an entry to the table SMOFPARSFA
Paramvalue: B
Then under each user you need to set the parameter id CRM_REPORTING_FRAMEWORK to B
For further information please review OSS Note 615670.
This will save you a lot effort when tweaking and testing security roles for business transactions in the CRM webclient.
OSS Note 615670SummarySymptomAuthorization check not correctly performed in the Reporting FrameworkOther terms1OrderBusiness TransactionUserProfileRolePerformanceIncorrect SQL traceReporting FrameworkOperational ReportingBW extractionDatasourceInfosource0 data records selected0 documents were found for this selection criteriaReason and PrerequisitesBuffers for authorization values are not up to dateSolutionThis note describes how to influence the behavior of the authorization check during operational reporting, that means- how to switch off buffers for authorizations values- how to switch off authorization check in the Reporting Framework- how to optimize the generated SQL statement with the authorized values.These modifications of the authorization check can be done centrallyfor all users by modifying the middleware parameter tableSMOFPARSFA and can be done individually for each user by modifiying theuser parameter 'CRM_RF_PERFORMANCE'.1) For All usersFor this, the system administrator should set up in middleware table SMOFPARSFA the parameter 'CRMRF' (Field PARSFAKEY) and'SETTINGS_REPORTING_FRAMEWORK'(Field PARNAME) with value (Field PARVAL1)- 'A' To switch off the authorization checks- 'B' To switch off Buffers (authorization check is still active but buffers are not anymore used). It makes sense only if you are doing modification in the userids and if you don't want to use buffers temporarely.- 'U' to split database request into separate queries, this might be useful to improve performance if the generated SQL statement for the authorization is too complex for the database optimizer.- Do not use value 'O' or 'S'- Other value : authorization check and buffers are activated2) Only for 1 userFirst of all, in order to be able to change the behaviour for anindividual user, the parameter 'CRMRF' 'SETTINGS_REPORTING_FRAMEWORK'in the middleware table SMOFPARSFA should be set up with a valuedifferent from space ('A', 'B', 'U' or other value).With this setting, each user can influence the behaviour of theauthorization check for its own userid with the user parameter'CRM_RF_PERFORMANCE' and with values 'A', 'B' or 'U' (these valuesmeans the same thing as for middleware table)Remark: by default middleware table is not set up with parameter 'CRMRF''SETTINGS_REPORTING_FRAMEWORK', in this case authorization check andbuffers are activated for all users (same think as other value).But the difference is that without this parameter in middleware tablethere is no chance to change the behavior for 1 particular user, indeedin that case user parameter 'CRM_RF_PERFORMANCE' is not considered.
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